From Punk to Modern Day – the Zine Movement

“Even when the mechanical press was supplanted by the computer, to be a zine required loyalty to the aesthetic, even if an old typewriter was no longer in use. Such is how individualist causes often end up blending into a uniform style, to the degree that to be a zine but look professional is to lose the zine seal of approval.

Be a zine, but not too glossy with it is the mantra.”

“Of course, the self-publishing engine has moved on, to the internet, with the blogs and ever ease of putting thought to keyboards, even if the thoughts so published are less thoughtful than before simply by merit of being faster and cheaper to disperse. Innit.”

“The zine, from early political leaflets through to underground artistic
culture and back again more recently to more political yearnings has needed that freedom to say the unsayable.”


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